1.read me참고하여 zabbix web관리자 페이지에 Value mapping 등록
2.zabbix --> externalscripts 디렉토리에 에 script 파일 추가
(1) echo.something
#Script: echo.something
#Version: 2.0
#Author: Jean-Jacques Martrès (jjmartres |at| gmail |dot| com)
#Description: This script echo a string
#License: GPL2
#This script is intended for use with Zabbix > 2.0
# as a script: echo.somthing "some string"
# as an item: echo.something["some string"]
[ -z "$@" ] && exit 1
echo "$@"
use strict;
# script: advsnmp.discovery
# version: 2.0
# author: Simon Kowallik <sk simonkowallik.com>
# description: Zabbix low level discovery script for advanced index discovery
# license: GPL2
#advsnmp.discovery[{HOST.IP},"-v2c -cpublic",.,offset.length,offset.length,offset.lentgh
# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
# | | | | | |
#ARGV 0 1 2 3 4 5
# | | | | | |
# IP/DNS Name | | | | |
# SNMP Settings SNMP OID INDEX_offset.INDEX_length
#OID: .
#will be cut to: .
# . 1 . 0 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 4 . 4 . 0
#0=>'', 1=>'1', 2=>'0', 3=>'2', 4=>'1', 5=>'1', 6=>'4', 7=>'4', 8=>'0'
# $_offset $_len
# \ /
#config: INDEX1 -> 1.1
# INDEX2 -> 3.2
# INDEX3 -> 5.3
# \ | /
# .[1].0.[2.1].[1.4.4].0
# OIDs to query:
# .
# .
# .
# .
# .
# .
# Discovery Rule with "external check"
# Key: advsnmp.discovery[{HOST.IP},"-v2c -cpublic",.,1.1,3.2,5.3]
# Idexes will be:
# 1 2.1 1.4.4
# 2 3.6 1.4.4
# 3 4.5 1.4.4
# 1 2.4 5.3.4
# 2 2.2 5.3.4
# 3 2.9 5.3.4
# global options
my $GLOB_SNMPW = "-OQn";
my $SNMPWALK_BIN = "/usr/bin/snmpwalk";
# never modify these values, as we have to pass them back to Zabbix within the JSON element!
my $OPT_HOST = $ARGV[0];
my $OPT_SNMPW = $ARGV[1];
my $OPT_OID = $ARGV[2];
# build config
for (my $cnt = 3; $cnt < scalar(@ARGV); $cnt++) {
my ($_offset, $_len) = split(/\./, $ARGV[$cnt]);
$OPT_CONFIG{$_offset} = $_len;
# assign OPT_OID to opt_oid_escape
my $opt_oid_escape = $OPT_OID;
# prepend a dot (.) to opt_oid_escape in case OPT_OID was specified without one
if($opt_oid_escape !~ m/^\./) {
$opt_oid_escape = '.' . $opt_oid_escape;
# v1.1: cut off trailing dot, if it exists
if($opt_oid_escape =~ m/\.$/) {
# create snmpw_oid from sanitized OPT_OID
my $snmpw_oid = $opt_oid_escape;
# escape all dots in opt_oid_escape for future regexes
$opt_oid_escape =~ s/\./\\./g;
foreach my $snmpw_line (`$SNMPWALK_BIN $GLOB_SNMPW $OPT_SNMPW $OPT_HOST $snmpw_oid`)
# remove newline
# split OID = VALUE
my ($oid, $value) = split(/ = /, $snmpw_line);
# sanitize $value, remove start/end quotes
$value =~ s/^"//;
$value =~ s/"$//;
$value =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
# remove OPT_OID part from $oid
# and we will get the trailing OID part, where we will extract the INDEX
# before: .
$oid =~ s/$opt_oid_escape//;
# after: .
# split rest of oid into array
my @oid_arr = split(/\./, $oid);
#contains: 0=>'', 1=>'1', 2=>'0', 3=>'2', 4=>'1', 5=>'0'
# put indexes into @%indexes
my $line_index;
# fetch offset from OPT_CONFIG
foreach my $_offset (sort keys %OPT_CONFIG) {
# set $index to index (OID part)
my $index = $oid_arr[$_offset];
# when complete $index by looking at len (stored in $OPT_CONFIG{$_offset})
for (my $i = 1; $i < $OPT_CONFIG{$_offset}; $i++) {
#v1.1: next if oid_arr element is empty. this can happen for dymanic length indexes
next if($oid_arr[$_offset+$i] =~ m/^$/);
# attach next OID part for len of index
$index = $index .'.'. $oid_arr[$_offset+$i];
$line_index = $line_index . ";$index";
# assign value to INDEXES Hash. INDEX => VALUE
$INDEXES{$line_index} = $value;
# print JSON object
print "{\n";
# from Zabbix 2.0.0rc1 the array name has changed to 'data'
print "\t\"data\":[\n";
my $first_line = 1;
#for (my $i = 0; $i < $#INDEXES; $i++) {
foreach my $line_index (sort keys %INDEXES) {
# print if it is not the first line
if($first_line) {
# we are at first line
$first_line = 0;
} else {
# we are not at first line
print "\t,\n";
print "\t\t{\n";
# print all INDEXES
my $ctr = 1;
foreach my $index ( split(/;/, $line_index) ) {
next if (!defined($index));
print "\t\t\"{#ADVSNMPINDEX$ctr}\": \"$index\",\n";
# print value if there are indexes (ctr would be 2 for one index)
if ($ctr > 1) {
print "\t\t\"{#ADVSNMPVALUE}\":\"$INDEXES{$line_index}\"\n";
print "\t\t}";
} else {
# if there is no index, close JSON
print "\t\t}";
} #for
print "\n\t]\n";
print "}\n";
첨부된 xml파일 import 할것